Ponni comics during 80s:

This comics is dated on 1981. It featured by a hero called Mayavi who have the power of invisible using his wrist watch. See some inner pages and next issue adds.

See one more comics released on the same period

Ponni comics was released from Madurai town by Kalai ponni publishers. Their main business was production and markting of tamil cine song books. They also publised some Mayajal Novels under the name of Kalai ponni.(Author - Yuvaraj) Taking about history of Ponni comics, i have no idea when they started and what is the first issue. The above two are the oldest book in my collection. Could anybody tell the history of Ponni comics.
Ponni comics - During early 90's.
I have some books which were released during early 90s. Story and art work done by Tamil comics artist Srikanth. I personaly like Srikanth's Eye catching cover pages and good tamil slang.Mayavi didn't appear in this books. They have published stories under the diffeerent names also. Like "Malar comics", "Malar ponni comics"

Have a look at last page of one issue.

Here are some of the Back cover scans of Malar comics. Note that mostly all the titles are similer to old Muthu/Lion comics's titles.

Irrumukai Mayavi in Ponni comics :
Ponni comics have released some issues during 98~99 which was stared by our evergreen hero Irrumbukai mayavi's (created by Srikanth). Its a 100% copy of Mayavi character. Watch the cover pages of these duplicate Mayavi stories.

Let me stop the posting here. Looking for your valuable comments.
Note : I have very less collection on ponni & malar comics. So, i not able to give complete history of ponni comics. Those who knows more about ponni comics can share here.